Advanced Technologies for Safety & Productivity
USA DeBusk is a turnkey provider of a full portfolio of plant maintenance and turnaround support services for ethanol production, fertilizer manufacturing, soybean processing, and other agriculture-related operations.
We are a single-source solution for the industrial services agriculture plants need, including:
Hydro blasting
Chemical cleaning
Vacuum services
Catalyst services
Pigging and decoking
Tank cleaning
Emission controls
Painting and coating
Nitrogen supply and on-site generation
By orchestrating multiple services, USA DeBusk provides efficiencies and synergies to reduce costs, streamline turnaround duration, maintain consistently high safety standards, and improve project coordination and communication.
Comprehensive Support
Our project specialists work hand-in-hand with your turnaround managers and coordinators to define the project scope, timeline, and most effective service options. We help identify any plant equipment with a history of problems and develop long-term solutions. We also define potential waste streams and their mitigation based on regulatory requirements and plant objectives.
Our expertise includes project planners, managers, and supervisors with decades of ag plant experience, as well as in-house engineering support and fully trained and qualified crews. Our diverse capabilities enable us to quickly and effectively return your key units and equipment to optimal service, including:
Beer columns
Liquid and syrup lines
Side strippers
Cooling tower basins

Diverse Capabilities
USA DeBusk is a leader in providing conventional hydro blasting and industrial vacuum services to clean and remove the toughest residues in vessels, tanks, heat exchangers, columns, piping, slabs, and more.
We also offer an extensive line of semi-automated and fully automated technologies to:
Enhance safety by removing personnel from confined spaces and other hazardous areas
Increase productivity with longer, uninterrupted work times
Improve quality with more consistent speeds and movements

Technology Highlights
Our turnkey, multi-service-line solutions include these services and specialty technologies.
Automated Tube Cleaning
An advanced automated heat exchanger hydro blasting system with computerized control to precisely index locations and mechanically feed multiple flex lances into the tubes. Automation provides thorough, consistent cleaning and extended run times to complete projects with maximum efficiency.
Automated Surface Preparation
A proprietary, automated surface cleaning and preparation process that is dustless and effectively replaces sandblasting. The system is compact, highly mobile, simple to set up, and safe for other nearby crafts. It polishes surfaces to bare metal to satisfy Level 5 (pharmaceutical) requirements and prepare equipment for inspection and NDT testing.
Vertical-Drive Robots
Remotely controlled robots equipped with interchangeable assemblies for hydro blasting, pressure washing, or abrasive blasting. These robots feature on-board cameras, mobility in all directions, and the ability to work on vertical, horizontal, and overhead surfaces using a magnetically adhered drive system.

Environmental Focus
USA DeBusk is experienced in mitigating waste streams in sensitive environments.
Our proprietary technologies conserve resources, contain solid and liquid wastes, and eliminate/minimize waste outhaul.
Our planners assist your environmental team in determining how each waste will be handed and prepared for final disposition.

Advanced Technologies for Safety & Productivity
USA DeBusk is a turnkey provider of a full portfolio of plant maintenance and turnaround support services for ethanol production, fertilizer manufacturing, soybean processing, and other agriculture-related operations.
We are a single-source solution for the industrial services agriculture plants need, including:
Hydro blasting
Chemical cleaning
Vacuum services
Catalyst services
Pigging and decoking
Tank cleaning
Emission controls
Painting and coating
Nitrogen supply and on-site generation
By orchestrating multiple services, USA DeBusk provides efficiencies and synergies to reduce costs, streamline turnaround duration, maintain consistently high safety standards, and improve project coordination and communication.
Comprehensive Support
Our project specialists work hand-in-hand with your turnaround managers and coordinators to define the project scope, timeline, and most effective service options. We help identify any plant equipment with a history of problems and develop long-term solutions. We also define potential waste streams and their mitigation based on regulatory requirements and plant objectives.
Our expertise includes project planners, managers, and supervisors with decades of ag plant experience, as well as in-house engineering support and fully trained and qualified crews. Our diverse capabilities enable us to quickly and effectively return your key units and equipment to optimal service, including:
Beer columns
Liquid and syrup lines
Side strippers
Cooling tower basins

Diverse Capabilities
USA DeBusk is a leader in providing conventional hydro blasting and industrial vacuum services to clean and remove the toughest residues in vessels, tanks, heat exchangers, columns, piping, slabs, and more.
We also offer an extensive line of semi-automated and fully automated technologies to:
Enhance safety by removing personnel from confined spaces and other hazardous areas
Increase productivity with longer, uninterrupted work times
Improve quality with more consistent speeds and movements

Technology Highlights
Our turnkey, multi-service-line solutions include these services and specialty technologies.
Automated Tube Cleaning
An advanced automated heat exchanger hydro blasting system with computerized control to precisely index locations and mechanically feed multiple flex lances into the tubes. Automation provides thorough, consistent cleaning and extended run times to complete projects with maximum efficiency.
Automated Surface Preparation
A proprietary, automated surface cleaning and preparation process that is dustless and effectively replaces sandblasting. The system is compact, highly mobile, simple to set up, and safe for other nearby crafts. It polishes surfaces to bare metal to satisfy Level 5 (pharmaceutical) requirements and prepare equipment for inspection and NDT testing.
Vertical-Drive Robots
Remotely controlled robots equipped with interchangeable assemblies for hydro blasting, pressure washing, or abrasive blasting. These robots feature on-board cameras, mobility in all directions, and the ability to work on vertical, horizontal, and overhead surfaces using a magnetically adhered drive system.

Environmental Focus
USA DeBusk is experienced in mitigating waste streams in sensitive environments.
Our proprietary technologies conserve resources, contain solid and liquid wastes, and eliminate/minimize waste outhaul.
Our planners assist your environmental team in determining how each waste will be handed and prepared for final disposition.