
NDT Inspection Services

Accurate Answers for Critical Decisions

To maximize the benefits of non-destructive testing (NDT), service providers must be able to apply the best inspection method for the project, execute test procedures with safety and precision, and evaluate results with accuracy and detail.
USA DeBusk Inspection Services offers the latest, most advanced NDT procedures, as well as a full range of conventional test methods. Our teams of highly qualified project managers, field inspectors, and Subject Matter Experts have decades of experience. The results are quantitative and qualitative data you can depend on.
We collaborate closely with inspection, maintenance, and engineering teams to help obtain accurate results for critical decisions.

Complete Inspection Portfolio

Leading advanced and conventional methods

Experience & Expertise

Veteran managers, field inspectors, and SMEs

Service Synergy

Integrate NDT With Complementary USAD Services
NDT for a broad range of industries and applications

Broad Applications Expertise

USA DeBusk Inspection Services provides a full suite of NDT services for critical equipment used in energy, chemical processing, manufacturing, and other industrial sectors. Our NDT expertise and industry-specific knowledge enable us to achieve your objectives dependably because we understand your processes, systems, equipment, and priorities.
Typical applications incude:
Towers and Vessels
Tube and Finned Exchangers
Furnace Tubes
Pipeline Construction, Upgrades and Maintenance
Facility-based Mechanical Integrity Programs for API 510, 570 and 653
Upstream and Midstream Systems Corrosion Monitoring and Analysis
Our highly qualified crews include API 510, 570 and 653 certified inspectors and AWS certified welding inspectors.
We offer rope-access inspections for safe, timely, cost-effective inspection of hard-to-reach equipment such as plant boilers or offshore platforms.

Advanced NDT Techniques

Guided Wave Ultrasonics (GUL-MSS)
Digital Radiography (DR) and Real Time Radiography (RTR)
Phased Array UT (PAUT)
Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
Automated UT Corrosion Mapping (AUT)
Eddy Current: Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) and Surfaced Eddy Current
Tube Inspections (EC, RFT, IRIS, and NFT)
Advanced inspection methods
Conventional inspection methods

Conventional NDT Techniques

Ultrasonic Thickness
Magnetic Particle (MT)
Penetrant Testing (PT)
Visual Inspection (VT)
Material Verification (PMI) and Hardness Testing (HT)

Multi-Service Value

Only USA DeBusk offers NDT in combination with a full range of advanced, complementary industrial service technologies.
From surface cleaning and preparation using our patented VBX+ automated polishing to innovative chemical cleaning, REAX™ reactor cleaning, and more, we offer single-source solutions to streamline your project timelines.
Visual Inspections
USA DeBusk has certified API, CWI, and VT inspectors.
Exchanger Inspections
USA DeBusk offers leading tube inspection techniques, including ECT, RFT, IRIS, and NFT
Tank Inspections
USA DeBusk specializes in API 653 internal and external inspections.
NDT combined with complementary USAD services
VBX+ tube polishing

NDT With Specialty Tube Cleaning

Tube cleaning capabilities can be seamlessly integrated with inspection for a highly efficient asset integrity solution. Combined cleaning/inspection improves efficiency, safety, turnaround time, and focus on achieving client objectives.
Automated Systems
Only USA DeBusk offers both conventional hydro blasting options and advanced systems with extensive automation and proprietary technologies.
Our Automated Tube Cleaning systems feature computerized, remote operation of the entire process for high productivity, while reducing the need for personnel in blast zones during cleaning.
Patented VBX+ exchanger polishing offers fully automated operation plus a proprietary vapor blasting process.
With this system, special abrasive media and water are direct-injected under pneumatic pressure into an airstream and discharged through triple-head injector nozzles.
Extensive safety training with Mentoring and SSE programs
Highly experienced project managers and field teams
Rigorous, uniform safety procedures across all services
Stop Work Obligation commitment
Employee badges with instant access to training verification
Equipment safety and operational checks
EHS Management System accessible from desktop and mobile devices
Highly-qualified, experienced teams
Advanced and conventional methods
Corrosion mapping
In-house evaluation expertise
Rope-access inspections
Decision-making support to improve safety, reduce downtime, enhance quality control, and mitigate environmental and compliance risks
Integrated NDT with complementary USA DeBusk services